All You Can Eat Issue 2 | Foreign

All You Can Eat Issue 2 | Foreign


All You Can Eat takes its name a little too seriously this time. What’s on the menu? Emu eggs and elephant soup, Schnitzel with gravy, Pichelsteiner stew and apple strudel with kidney bean puree, eight treasures and pickled chicken feet. Yummy! For the brave ones amongst us there is dog meat and human sacrifices. We celebrate the best of all cuisines: fusion cooking. Imagine what we would have to eat in Central Europe without all the wonderfully different people, animals, vegetables and techniques, which have come to us in the past centuries. We hope, that after reading this issue you will find the world a little less foreign and a lot tastier.

138 pages, 22,5 x 30 cm

Softcover, with 3D coating

Language: German

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